· Lusus · Kankatha · Tiger ARTICLES
Rosiane Eldrawby Kyla WardThe horse she is riding in the picture didn't survive the first session, by the way. AD&D 2eFemale Human, 12th level Cleric of BarandisSTR 10, DEX 11, CON 13, INT 15, WIS 16, CHA 14 58 hp, AC 2, THAC0 14 Saves: P/P/DM 6, R/S/W 10, P/P 9, BW 12, Spells 11 Proficiencies: Reading/Writing (Kindlish), Ettiquette, Riding, Healing, Heraldry, Local History, Spellcraft, Religion; War Hammer, staff, staff sling Languages: Kindlish, High Kindlish, Gypsy sign Special abilities: Light at will, on holy Symbol, Detect Lies (3/day) D&D 3eFemale Human, 13th level Cleric of BarandisSTR 11, DEX 11, CON 14, INT 15, WIS 14, CHA 14 96 hp, AC 19 (inc. kyton Chainmail, small shield), Init +4 Saves: Fortitude 10, Reflex 4, Will 13 Feats/Special Abilities: Iron Will, Combat Casting, Weapon Focus (Warhammer), Improved Initiative, Quicken Spell, Maximise Spell Skills: Bluff 3, Concentration 5, Diplomacy 5, Heal 5, Intimidate 3, Ride 2, Spellcraft 4, Spot 5 Languages: Kindlish, High Kindlish, Gypsy sign Barandis Clerical domainAlso grants the Sun Domain Granted power: Light at will, on holy symbol; +2 vs Enchantment/Charm 1: Santuary
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