Character Vault
This is a place to store some of our RPG characters. It is both an illustration of what we've been playing or just experimenting with, and as a personal record for posterity -- some of our earlier characters seem lost for good. As well as stats, whatever rough notes about the character that have survived have also been included.
Also see the characters in an Australian Superhero team, Phalanx.
Other favourites, in rough chronological order, include:
- Aphra: a traumatised (possibly insane) Star Wars gambler, she was always wandering off in one direction or another. Originally a member of the Rebellion, the group decided this was far too dangerous, and that intergalactic piracy was both safer and more profitable. Thus the Greedy Grasping Hands Mining Corporation was born!
- Frikard: a gruff spacer from the same Star Wars game, he met a fiery end, thus earning the posthumous nickname Fricassee Frikard. This happened when the party was confronted with a situation where one member would have to sacrifice himself for the group. Frikard saw his moment had arrived, and quickly did what was needed. The fact that this situation was created by a guest GM who was there for one session only was just extraordinarily rude...
- Tiger: Social worker in Kings Cross, Sydney, trying to cope with a young daughter and a secret identity as a Crime Fighter (also, not enough Flight). Not to be confused with Tiger, who was a reimagining of the concept.
- J. Jesse Fontaine: A Brujah and member of the Black Hand, visiting the London Court. We also ended up in France on a particularly bloodthirsty road trip.
- Robert: I didn't play him for long, but I'm pretty sure he was a Hermetic mage -- not to mention a minor London crime boss, and a nasty piece of work. He didn't really get along with anyone else.
- Sabriel: I wrote her initial background for the Demon line, and the relevant chapter opening in the core rules, with more to come. I even wrote up her stats, but you won't find them here since she's White Wolf's. I didn't actually name her, so any similarity to the other Sabriel is coincidental (and yeah, there's an angel called Lirael in the line as well). She was also my first character illustrated by R. K. Post, or any other professional for that matter.