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Friday the 13th

A cryptic puzzle


All across answers share a common theme
and are otherwise undefined.
  1. 29-across' half-eaten offspring? (5)
  2. Silent, with mouldy ends (5)
  3. A thousand fathers, back to front? (5)
  4. 19-across heard musical phrase within (7)
  5. Rotaliped (9)
  6. Twist plan in strange aeons (6,2,1,5)
  7. Gore blowback, thus (4)
  8. Tear apart semi-solid coating (7)
  9. Curse expunged by knight (4)
  10. Disturbed cult takes drug to hear colour (7)
  11. Drift about if swallowed (7)
  12. Extra limits lost love (4)
  13. Ring God? (7)
  14. Yes, Berlin was emptied (4)
  15. Newborn pirates plunder (7,7)
  16. Scare government agent about enemy's ends (9)
  17. Angelic dance floor (7)
  18. Sired antichrist, then ate nubile initiates (5)
  19. Potter suffered stroke (5)
  20. Model diecast (5)
  1. Tools puzzle to remove a word origin (4)
  2. Johnny Depp hands role to sisters (7)
  3. That's right, it's shared by across answers (2,4)
  4. A fellow's drug is his castle (5)
  5. Cosmonaut digs up skirt (3)
  6. Horror director you'd zone, an odd selection (5)
  7. Sounds short, the French dress (6)
  8. Claimant makes an obvious argument (9)
  9. Famous 4-across holds the key of life (4)
  10. 11-across makes sound, but can't write (4)
  11. Shy a millilitre, within oxtail bone (6)
  12. It's brutal in the loup-garou ghetto (5)
  13. 29-across crematory H-bomb (5)
  14. Snub odd fish, it's undressed (6)
  15. Abby’s original relic held the name of God (3)
  16. 33-across' evil twin? Yet it's grey, for starters (3)
  17. Local hero beat-up, almost broken (9)
  18. Celebrate the birth of 27-across? (4)
  19. Is old code cracked by stylish movement? (3,4)
  20. Invisible sun shifts compass points (6)
  21. For exercise, fish up snack (6)
  22. Great effort overhead, but completely stationary (5)
  23. Reimburse upset plagiarist -- copy was not policed (5)
  24. Capone left legal defenses for bird (4)
  25. Vow of loving and leaving first heartthrob (4)
  26. Sounds like 29-across action (but isn't) (3)

This crossword is available in Across format. To solve it on your computer, you should install Across Lite, and then open this file within the program: Friday13.puz.

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