Burnt Toast
Burnt Toast was a fanzine edited by David Carroll, devoted to a strange mixture of Doctor Who and the horror genre. It took its cue from work such as Kate Orman's The Question Mark and a number of similar publications, produced by an active and articulate fan base in the late '80s and early '90s. The 'zine seemed to find a style reasonably quickly, though I think it only really hit its stride with Issue 6, when the strongly themed issues started. There were a large number of contributors to BT, but in particular Jonathan Barons is to be acknowledged as the Burnt Toast artist, providing a strong sense of visual continuity and many excellent covers and interiors. Unfortunately, in this archive's current spartan existence, much of that art is not present here. Not all the articles and stories are currently up, either, though that should be remedied as I get in touch with people to secure their permission (my own non-fan stories are not included for other reasons). |